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managed wordpress hosting


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New Member
GOTO http://Xtremesite.com

Unlimited space
Uncount transfers but try to keep it below 10gb!
php 4.11
perl 5.6.1
1 mysql database
323 perl modules, click here
1 pop mail @xtremesite.com
no banner ads only link ( Hosted by XtremeSite.cOm)
1 minute activation
FTP Access
More coming soon!
Glad you got the sign up process working finally. You have no TOS in place so I guess it is okay if I upload all my warez and porn huh? And you allow all countries - very generous of you :classic2: :chinese2:
I signed up 3 times. And each account doesn't work. I try to login after activating my account and it acts like my account doesn't exist. I think something is wrong. :(
Well, I read the TOS :eek:

It says warez, porn and Chinese sites are welcome here @ Xtremesite.com...but not people from "down under"...wherever that is...:devious2:
Yes indeed, I just tried it too....lksoh, test and test again and DON'T post again till you get it right. I certainly hope your paid hosting site is working accurately. :angry2:

The sign up errors yesterday should have prompted you to have a good working product before presenting it again.
i guess its hosted in his own pc !
i can't see any main page design, just fews line there ! :)

You didnt even know which Dedicated Plan I signup for! If you could open your eyes and look at the last dedicated plan it cost 199 per mont and totalling up to over $7000 a year!
lksoh, fix your login process (after account activation) and password retrieval. Until you do that, don't start a new thread or post your *service* in anyone else's threads.
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