There's literally thousands of them...
Did they release info about current locations?
I agree that information that could immediately put innocent peoples lives in danger should never be given out to the public, however, whether relevant or not you cannot use that fact to ignore everything else that's happening around WikiLeaks. And currently you must note that Assange has not even been charged with any crimes related to WikiLeaks.
What is going on right now is massive. It's one of the biggest things that's ever happened on the internet; perhaps the biggest single event in regards to politics and the news.
You musn't forget that WikiLeaks is a news organisation. What WikiLeaks have done is what the news organisations of the world should have been doing. There are so many massively shocking cables that have been leaked. Each one exposing backhanded deals that would dominate the news - such as
Shell infiltrating the Nigerian government to secure oil deals, the
US making secret deals with China to corrupt EU climate talks, the US turning a blind eye to
war crimes in Sri Lanka, and these go
on and on.
Dozens of countries around the world, especially the US, are heavily corrupt - and this is the proof.
The US government is currently starting a war on information. A war
against freedom of speech. The first of it's kind, and the outcome will decide how the internet is handled in times to come. They're taking over domains, they're heavily encouraging corporations to go against the law to suffocate WikiLeaks.
The next couple of weeks/months/years could decide whether or not the public go back to the darkness of never knowing about these crimes, or whether we go forward into a new age of a true democratic world.