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WebHostWala offers web hosting India plans with great discounts. Web hosting plans to meet your website requirement. A wide range of hosting India plans to choose from. Webhostwala assures 99.9% server up time guarantee for all the web hosting plans.
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SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard technology behind establishing an encrypted connection between a web server (host) and a web browser (client). This connection between the two makes sure that all the data passed between them remain private and intrinsic. SSL is an industry standard and...
Websites need to be hosted on a server which is a computer typically located in a data center. The Linux Server, which is also the most popular operating system for web servers, is also best for WordPress. Since WordPress is a dynamic CMS and is written with PHP, it makes the servers run...
What is Reseller Hosting?
Reseller Hosting is the ability to re-sell Hostripples's hosting servers, bandwidth, and services, as if they were your own, to your clients, under your brand, at any price you choose. It allows you to start your own web hosting firm, or supplement your development or...
When should you use Windows hosting?
Windows has a big advantage when you want to add special Windows applications to your website. Some of them are ActiveServerPages (ASP), .NET script languages, VisualBasic or using Microsoft SQL databases (Access). Windows makes it possible to execute...
What is VPS and VPS Hosting?
A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software...
UltratechHost (Ultra Web Solutions) is a premier hosting company on the digital world since 2010. Here We Provides Shared, Reseller, Onshore VPS & Offshore VPS, Onshore Dedicated Server & Offshore Dedicated Server Hosting that matched to the needs of our customers around the globe...
Before using Wordpress for High Traffic site, you need to make sure that site is ready to deal with high traffic volumes. WordPress is certainly capable of managing large amounts of traffic, but there are limitations at the server side which affects its traffic and result into low traffice...
There are so many hosting organizations available in the market but its not possible to trust only on the ads or offers. Its important to have the money back policy or guarantee in case client found issues with the hosting provider. Prewebhost is offering the 30 Days money back guarantee with...