I can get u banned.
Do you know of an automated user account creator that works on Linux and doesn't require MySQL? It has to be free and preferably easy to install. I will just be using it temporarily until the MySQL database is set up, so it doesn't need to be great as long as it gets the job done. I need to be able to give out subdomains or domain hosting as well from this. That's the only thing that keeps me from using WebHome Lite..
For some reason AllManage was discontinued. Did it support this, and if it did does anyone have an old copy of it?
Do you know of an automated user account creator that works on Linux and doesn't require MySQL? It has to be free and preferably easy to install. I will just be using it temporarily until the MySQL database is set up, so it doesn't need to be great as long as it gets the job done. I need to be able to give out subdomains or domain hosting as well from this. That's the only thing that keeps me from using WebHome Lite..
For some reason AllManage was discontinued. Did it support this, and if it did does anyone have an old copy of it?