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Well if it's just for local testing, your current version of Windows would do fine. There's no use going out and buying, say, Win2k Server or something if it's just for testing.
If your running a public server, you may want to run windows 2000 Server. Its more secure that way. but if you just want to test stuff out for your self, I would go with any version of windows you can put on the server.
Pardon, but did I hear the words "Windows 2000 Server" and "secure" together?
Yeah, it kinda depends on what you're using it for. I have a test server (Apache 1.3x) on Windows XP that runs fine. Well, sort of fine, I have to manually start it but that's IIS's fault when I tested that. I have since uninstalled it but the problem persists. So don't try a MS server with a non-MS server, the MS server will get jealous and knock it over a cliff
Another option is put an old box in the corner, install some linux and let it sit and serve. Apache / PHP / MySQL etc - for a long time i had a P120 cyrix / 32 mb of ram, sitting in the corner doing its thing.
Perhaps you are after asp, but if you dont have a preference go with the above setup - you will learn some great admin skills and have a stable development box.
Use apache on Win2k if you don't feel like learning unix.
Otherwise use Apache on UNIX UNIX UNIX UNIX UNIX!
BSD Unix: OpenBSD -- One remote hole in the default install in nearly six years! FreeBSD -- Ain't gonna get any more stable. NetBSD -- run it on everything from an i386+ to a Dreamcast.
go to (replace the _ with a u) and look to the left. Linux galore, and more.