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I don't think so unless you grab a really clever name about the product/service your selling. for example, or,
I'm pissed that .web never made it. There was some sort of complication I beleive.
.info, .news will be the pick of the crop for the new domains. Of course this comes from someone with a strong gaming/content based website production background.
It's got to be .com for your bussiness or it's pratically .nothing.
I mean, who's gonna go register a domain called ""? *lol* or maybe "" or ""? And even if somebody did register, who's gonna really use it for their email?
Besides... some people can't even spell museum!
Next time, maybe those idoits will make .monument TLDs...
I think a cool TLD would be .off , then you'll have people registering names like "" or "****.off" etc.
Yeah, the TLD is .museum for Museums. Sure, it's good for Museums, but that industry is so small it doesn't really do anything. They fit better under .org anyway. Oh well...
I think .info will be the most popular new TLD. Just a hunch I have, I guess. Hopefully we'll be able to find out anytime now.
I actually think allowing 3+ letter extensions was a good idea. I mean, .info is a good extension, and it's 4 letters long. I think .inf or .nfo would have been crappy.
.museum is shit. You can expect the registrar of this TLD to mostlikely go out of business or be near bankruptcy and sell to network solutions, afflias, or someone. I think the .museum tld would be a little better if it was opened up to the entire internet.,, nice... but very long.