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block-proof popup/layer-ads?


New Member
I'm searching for a popup-block-proof advertiser. Any around? Should have some IP/Cookie based reload-blocking.

adversal.com -> no reload-block (as of what I heard), could get annoying to visitors

popupad.net -> atm my favorite, but didn't try it out yet. Unfortunetly the popup code gets blocked on almost every browser nowadays, so I would practically only display the "pseodo"-popup all time.

paypopup.com -> don't have any opinion on it yet.
why pop-up, just place some on your site.

If a site has pop-up then i close it straight away.
use css to layer over the top of your content with your own ads, no popup blocker can stop that:p
paypopup gets blocked very easily. Their pay is good but be careful as they pay unique from certain countries only (mostly from NA and EUROPE).
why pop-up, just place some on your site.

If a site has pop-up then i close it straight away.

Popups generally give higher CPM than any banner equivalents. As soon as it loads, that's an impression. Even if you close it in a second the publisher still gets paid for that impression.