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Built this over the weekend: Twitter Media


UFO Hunter
I built a new website over the weekend, It`s called Twitter Media.

The idea`s of the website is to resell Twitter Followers, Facebook Likes and Youtube Video Views.

Would be great to receive some feedback on the website design, layout etc.

URL: www.twittermedia.net
The site looks great and loads very fast too. My only suggestion would be to move the Twitter, Facebook and YouTube buttons further to the right (see attached image).

It looks excellent, my only small gripe would be that the rollover nav buttons have rounded corners, and the rollover backgrounds to not extend all the way to the top and bottom of the container.
Thanks john, I have moved them over further to the right. they do look better, was actually thinking of replacing those icons for square icons.

@ServerGurus, Thanks. I have also been thinking about the menu myself, using the border-radius tag for the menu. The more i look at it the more i want to change it, I may well replace it altogether for a image background.
I'm impressed Sitebee!

Great work.

Except, yeah, it looks more like those social media buttons are randomly floating off to the side somewhere... Check out the mod I made here;

I did this by adding the following code to the class "social"
    margin-top: 27px;
    margin-right: -34px;

I also think that perhaps using a vertical separator to separate content from the "main_left", from the content in "main_right".

I would also recommend re-rendering the source image for your payment options in the bottom of "main_left" as the y in paypal is clipped and looks horrid.

Perhaps you may want to do some level of SEO on this site too ? ;)
Thanks sarmth for the suggestions, ive been so busy lately that I have not had chance to make any alterations on the site, I have started on the seo campaign though.
I quite like the look of that. It looks different to the ones I have normally seen and to those that appear all over Flippa. Well done.
Thanks :)

I never knew they sold sites like that over at Flippa, Ive had quite a few orders too from the website so was worth setting up!