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Can somebody clue me in on something?

Sometimes I browse through the free hosting requests to see how greedy people are becoming these days and I have noticed something that a lot of the requests have in common.

They all want CPanel.

A few years back, people would have killed to have 25MB of free space regardless of what control panel was used. What makes CPanel so great? Why are people so picky? Why is there such a high demand for CPanel over any other control panels?
I think they want to do some 'experiments' with new stuff? :)
Perhaps ^^
I think cPanel is easy to make sql and email account etc.. and it seems like they have the control for the site?

Just my opinion ^^
I think that the majority of the people are young kids who don't really know what they are talking about. I have used: ensim, plesk, and cpanel on my servers before. I don't really see how cpanel is so much better over any of the others. A few years back, ensim was considered the best, and it was the most well known.

I guess you can spot a newbie when they ask for a specific CP because they don't know any better. Plesk is just as simple to use as any other CP.
cpanel is good. but these noobs just ask to much

some time last month:
i demand this stuff plz
10Gb space for my mps and exe's
120GB bandwith
bleh, i hate ads

i want this quick yall. gimme.

wat morons, dont you think?
You got that right. I can not believe the people these days. I have been online since 1998 and went through the "host depression" if you will. People waited in line for a chance of getting 25mb for free.

These kids start their own "hosts" by getting cheap reseller accounts and then going under a month later. They really have no idea what goes into running a real server.
You got that right. I can not believe the people these days. I have been online since 1998 and went through the "host depression" if you will. People waited in line for a chance of getting 25mb for free.

These kids start their own "hosts" by getting cheap reseller accounts and then going under a month later. They really have no idea what goes into running a real server.

nice speech. you are my new hero.
fregin retarded resellers! get a server and get it over with. man... those stupid kids.
You will constantly see "in need of a new free host, old host is gone." Do some damn research and find out a bit about the company. About 80% of the "hosts" out there are not really hosts at all, but just stupid resellers. And of those 80%, most have been around less than a year (or even less than a few months). Find out who is running them. People need to understand that strictly FREE hosts aren't going to last. Funding has to come from somewhere. Kids don't know what they are doing, and they overbook themselves and then next thing you know, they are gone, along with their crappy corporate site created from an overused template. They probably didn't get their allowance and the true host took their reseller account away.
You will constantly see "in need of a new free host, old host is gone." Do some damn research and find out a bit about the company. About 80% of the "hosts" out there are not really hosts at all, but just stupid resellers. And of those 80%, most have been around less than a year (or even less than a few months). Find out who is running them. People need to understand that strictly FREE hosts aren't going to last. Funding has to come from somewhere. Kids don't know what they are doing, and they overbook themselves and then next thing you know, they are gone, along with their crappy corporate site created from an overused template. They probably didn't get their allowance and the true host took their reseller account away.

you are exactly rite
leatherchair said:
cpanel is good. but these noobs just ask to much

some time last month:

wat morons, dont you think?

note the word DEMAND. I hate these kind of rude people. I'm saying the person, not u
i demand this stuff plz
10Gb space for my mps and exe's
120GB bandwith
bleh, i hate ads

i want this quick yall. gimme.

note the word DEMAND. I hate these kind of rude people. I'm saying the person, not u
I like cpanel it is RELIABLE, easy to use, gives a lot of flexibility to the user & have a great user interface. :classic2:
Now there should be more people like this.

Where is the proof that cpanel is any more reliable over plesk or ensim?
deeplist said:
Now there should be more people like this.

Where is the proof that cpanel is any more reliable over plesk or ensim?
Just jumping in the conversation here, I've personally administered large
scale Plesk, Ensim, and Cpanel networks and I can say first hand that
nothing comes close to the capabilities and features built into
Cpanel and WHM. It's no wonder that it is the most popular as it's
creators have really put a lot of careful thought into the design of it
and are definitely light years beyond anything else out there.

Ensim isn't too bad but aside from lacking many of Cpanel's standard
features, it also has a really darn screwy way of doing certain
administrative tasks that can get really tedious and somewhat annoying.
Still, for a small scale hosting network Ensim isn't too bad but you could
do much better moving over to Cpanel.

Of the 3, the very least I would recommend is Plesk. There is so much
missing from Plesk I'm not totally certain where to begin. It is possible to get
a somewhat decent setup using Plesk but it generally requires a massive
amount of coding outside Plesk just to give it do the equivelant of some
the features already built into Cpanel and Ensim, and some of the most basic
and essential administrative features are totally lacking from Plesk.
Bring H-Sphere, and DirectAdmin into this debate for Linux based Control Panels. H-Sphere is multi-platformed itself.

Based on price and ease of use.

Cpanel is inferior and not worth the $50+ per month per server it sits on. And If I hear the word "Automagicly" one more time, I'm going to snap. ;)
vanidium said:
I think they want to do some 'experiments' with new stuff? :)
Perhaps ^^
I think cPanel is easy to make sql and email account etc.. and it seems like they have the control for the site?

Just my opinion ^^
you can say that again
+ its the only one i have used!!
well, cpanel is more userfriendly to customer compared with ensim but not admin . personally, i would prefer direct admin and plesk .
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