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Can you guys please help me by sharing your experiences?
I am looking for a good and reliable dedicated server solution under 400$/month. If anyone can recommend a company based on your own experience. (pegasus web technologies)
-They are not cheap but you get what you pay for
I have been with them for awhile and things has been great. They do have 24/7 personel on the phone offering reboot services. Support may not be the fastest but you will get your issue taken care of by them. Also, they use quality equipment and its worth the money.
Have a look at . Most of the members there seem to have extensive knowledge, and there as a forum dedicated to dedicated servers.
Whatever you do don't go with . Our server has been up and down like a yoyo for the past 24 hours with their network problems. The actual server has been up for over 7 days straight. Every ten minutes our site goes down. We aren't the only ones in this situation though look @ wht
I have servers at RackShack, All Cobalt RAQ4's. The service is good except for there in house dns tool. It doesnt always work and you have to spend days on the phone to support trying to get it sorted and calling from the UK that can be very exspensive. In future i'll be running the DNS of my own boxes on an external network. Probably get an RAQ2 or something.