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I might not jump to this gen in gaming

I would say... I think PC gaming technology is moving too fast. I refuse to buy another console, because it'll be obsolete in a year or two. But I bought GTA IV for PC the other day, and it requires a quad core processor to run the damn game.... Ridiculous.
Guess what?

I broke down and bought myself a used 60 GB PlayStation 3. Came with Sixaxis, 80 GB 4USB Manual, Blu-Ray disk outlining PS3, a Composite A/V Cable and a USB to MiniUSB connector (for controller.) It also had the previous owner's name, etc. on a PSU registration form that was never sent in.

Yes, it's a 60GB (I checked the back for the serial number.)

Check it Out
is the 399$ price sticker what you paid for a used one?
Because that's the retail price as it sells brand new in stores
I have a Quad Core Phenom and a 8600GT with 1gb ram on that and 4gb ram in the system and with that game I have to turn all the settings almost all the way down. It uses 2.5gb of ram [almost] and I still only get 25fps -.-

I have a core2quad with 9500GT 1GB and 4GBs of ram and GTA4 runs at about 30-40fps on mid settings with max textures & shadows, apart from the trees looking ---- its all good.

Your issue is def just the vid card like me, if I had a better vid card id be able to run on max settings...

+ Phenom was ----, but Phenom 2 is a tad better.
i still got a ps2 wich i play from time to time with friends, i just think that the new consoles doesn't worth the money
Furnilover, you got ripped off for that used one.


80 gigs and its new

4 USB 80, 40, 80, 160 are worse than a 60 GB PS3 made for the US.

The 60 GB PS3 (NTSC U/C) has backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 format software (in hardware form using the EE+GS chip.) I want backwards compatibility with PS2 games. Any new system currently on the market at stores like Best Buy DO NOT have this capability enabled.

I also returned the 60 GB as I said.
4 USB 80, 40, 80, 160 are worse than a 60 GB PS3 made for the US.

The 60 GB PS3 (NTSC U/C) has backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 format software (in hardware form using the EE+GS chip.) I want backwards compatibility with PS2 games. Any new system currently on the market at stores like Best Buy DO NOT have this capability enabled.

I also returned the 60 GB as I said.

I got the 80 Gig w/ the PS2 Software deal (Emulation via Software) and it works great. Maybe you can find one of those?
Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about for the backwards compatibility. I have the 60GB PlayStation3 and I've used it a few times to play PS2 games, but it's pretty pointless. I mean, if you want the backwards compatibility for a large PS2 library you already have -- I would assume you already own a PlayStation2. Why not use that and put the wear and tear on that machine instead of the new one? PS3 upscales, but it's not anywhere near that great. PS1/2 games still look like complete crap on my HDTV. The only thing that I really see as an advantage is the memory card system on the hard drive which allows you to have tons of saves.

On the other hand, if you feel like you have a lot of catching up to do with the PS2, just buy a PS2 instead. They're $99 and if you've got that much to catch up on, it will surely hold you over for a while until you can get a PS3.

PS2 had backwards compatibility, and that was cool for those five or six times I actually popped a PSone game in there just to see if it would work, but who cares? I have an original PlayStation and I just use that whenever I want to play a PSone game. This has turned out pretty much the same way.

Now I understand that some people might have had a PSone/PS2 break on them and want the backwards compatibility for that. Yet, I still don't believe that's a very solid complaint. Just buy a used console and play the games on that. Adding the feature just drives cost up even more than need be, and when you're already paying a premium for the bluray drive, processor, and other internals why push for more features to drive the price up.

The same people who -----, whine and cry about the price, complain that features were removed from the console to save money. Makes me laugh.
I don't care about the price actually.

We also have a thread about people who complain about complainers and say just buy a PS2: Click Here (PlayStation Forums).

Also, I do have a PS2, a fat one. But if I got a PS3, I wouldn't be able to fit them BOTH near the Television! Even if I had a PS2 slim.