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I was think of purchasing a domain from godaddy an .info an it say's $1.00 is that the all time price or is that a just for the 1st year? i never bought a domain so yeah.
Ya, thats only 1 year. Then its $10.00 per year there after. If you are on the long run for the domain name go with a .com or .org. its around 7 bucks.
Ya, Thats why i say if you want the domain name for the long run just go with the .com. I got domain names 5 years ago that is a .com. I used it for a short period of time but its a rely good domain name. So for 8 bucks i just renew it.
If you are just looking for the short run if you dont care about the domain name then ya the .info is fine.
What kind of domain names are you looking for. I have a few if you want to have 1. I will just give it to you. Let me know what the site is about.
Well it's a psd site. I will just purchase the .info domain since it is a cheap start, also in a year i can sure pass up $10-100 dollars a year LOl. so no real biggie just going to see how the site turns out thanks. Though..