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Ive recently paid for space and domain name, around 2 weeks ago and it seems to be down. This is the second time, can't access my site or Is it worth staying with this company?!
We're currently having a problem with one of our servers and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.
We suspect it's a client that wasn't happy having a directory removed for causing excessive CPU yesterday but are currently working with the DC to have this resolved.
We're able to login via KVMoIP but the cPanel services don't appear to be starting. More information will be provided once available.
There was a small outage today while a customers account was suspended for causing excessive CPU usage. Downtime shouldn't have been more than a few minutes. We have our management company looking into this as PRM should have killed the processes.
Clients IP was temporarily banned for entering incorrect passwords multiple times. I've explained how to contact us if they can't reach the site (email support from email address they signed up from).
Basically, a new firewall was installed today which brings more security and has really improved the server load (CSF for those interested).