Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Make a post in Paid Hosting section too if you have any paid variants too .
Else , if you wish to place any ads on the forum itself , contact Peo , he'll detail you about it...
Massive SEO tricks and tools. Still a project in the making though, I'm applying techniques to my personal sites first before bringing the goodies to WL.
I wouldn't. Free traffic is still free traffic. I would also recommend looking into other forum sites and also promote there. Try not to keep all your eggs in one basket
I think one way to promote is to offer free hosting and make sure they will put a link back to your hosting site...this will help you in SEO and may promote your site between users.
Of course there are many ways, this is just one of them.
I'm actually having very good luck with AdWords again. Many of the most competitive free hosting terms are back down to reasonable bids, at least for the moment!
well, the possibilities are almost endless & to name a few here:
1: Adwords::: Pay only for the clicks not for impressions (for me going CPC way is better as compared to CPM)
2: Banners::: You can find some cheap space on various forums/blogs to put your banner (you can continue it if the results are satisfactory or just leave it case it won't works)
3: S.E.O::: hire some cheap freelancer to take care of the rest & ask him to optimize your site for 3-5 keywords in the beginning ...