Harry .msSevers
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.msServers - 80% off for life! Coupon code "CYBER" applicable until Friday.
About Us.msServers launched mid 2015, to respond to demand for a professional host with certified engineers. Staff at .msServers range their experience from CCNP qualifications, to MTA's. With these qualifications, we're more trained than most of the server engineers that maintain other game server hosters, and the qualifications provide the proof that we know what we're talking about.
Our Packages
2GB Storage
5GB Monthly Transfer
cPanel Access
Softaculous Installer
Web Development Level 1 Support
€1.99 p/m
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4GB Storage
10GB Monthly Transfer
cPanel Access
Softaculous Installer
Web Development Level 1 Support
€2.99 p/m
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10GB Storage
50GB Monthly Transfer
cPanel Access
Softaculous Installer
Web Development Level 2 Support
€5.99 p/m
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Use coupon code "CYBER" for 80% off for life on web hosting packages! Coupon valid until 06/12/2015.