25 lines are still alot for a reply.
"I want 8534gb space and 65745785624gb bandwidth with php, 534mysql databases, ftp and pop3 email. who can help?"
Line1: <hosting company name goes here> would like to offer you this:
Line2: <plan name goes here>
Line3: blank
Line4: 8534gb space
Line5: 65745785624gb
Line6: ftp, php
Line7: 534mysql databases
Line8: 5423 pop3 email addresses
Line9: for $4348183 with fries and a coke
Line10: Blank
Line11: If you are interested, contact us at <contact details>
That's more then enough. We dont need to know what fantastico has to offer, we dont need to know every feature in cpanel. I know that i dont read long long long posts (including mine now :S), i read the first few lines then skip the rest.
Another issue is hosts digging up old posts. If someone posted a month ago, i'd say they've found a host otherwise they would have said something. But then again i dont think any mods want to check each message to lock threads a week or two old.