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managed wordpress hosting

Offshore Dedicated Server Needed!

Well the basic definition what people go by when they hear "off-shore" is usually servers that are not affected by any piracy law other than that country's laws and in other words you do not get punished by the law that is usually affected by USA servers. But I guess you just want a server in a different location?
Think what you want, um offshore as in HongKong or something, Germany, Russia? That's what offshore is, well that's what it is according to what i know

Hey mate, if you live in Germany, Germany would not be offshore. Off-shore is defined by anywhere but your own country that you reside in. So it might help your case to post which country is your shoreline on. Good luck with your search. :)
Thanx but people like LV3servers who think they are so smart and need to learn how to mind there own business. Geeeze

Shut up, it's exactly his business he is a host already, theres no good reason for wanting to start a hosting company offshore unless illegal activities are taking place.