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Opinions needed on mirrors


New Member
Hi, I would know what you guys think of mirroring sites on paid hostings? For example, overselling hosters who gives out 1TB of space and such. Would it be against their TOS to mirror Open Source sites (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MySQL, PHP, etc). I mean, as long as I dont exceed the quota given and it's not an illegal content, it should be allowed right?

Please, do let me know what you think of it. Surely, they'll try to keep you away from it but I'm just curious on what would you think. All sorts of comments are welcomed and thank you :)
Well file storage,filedump,mirror is against some sites tos.
I would read the Terms of Service first.
Hi, I would know what you guys think of mirroring sites on paid hostings? For example, overselling hosters who gives out 1TB of space and such. Would it be against their TOS to mirror Open Source sites (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MySQL, PHP, etc). I mean, as long as I dont exceed the quota given and it's not an illegal content, it should be allowed right?

Please, do let me know what you think of it. Surely, they'll try to keep you away from it but I'm just curious on what would you think. All sorts of comments are welcomed and thank you :)

Just a FYI, many distro's of Linux like Ubuntu use 300-500 mbps bandwidth at peak and I doubt an overselling host can provide that much bandwidth.
I don't think it would be illegal no, since a lot of those projects want as many mirrors as they can get. And cheers for you being willing to help!

Downside is, a lot of those sites that offer the world, won't last and will terminate an account when it uses too much, even if that amount is less than your said limit. Read the TOS carefully, and don't be surprised if you get terminated for using less than your actual paid-for amount.
Well, thanks a lot for all your responses. My account has just been disabled for mirroring NetBSD. It was said it's against their TOS and I replied asking them to quote the TOS for me and all they can come up with was that I mirrored a site I did not build and I've stolen their code and use it for my own benefits and posing as if it were mine and stealing is illegal according to their TOS.

I did reply that NetBSD allows mirrors for their stuffs and it's not illegal to mirror them and my hosters have yet to reply to me (its been a bit more than 48 hours since the last conversation with them). I guess they just wont re-enable my account for using up so much space. Oh well..
Did you actually use NetBSD's exact same code? I would consider that infringement. Mirroring typically involves only mirroring the files themselves that are in need of being downloaded.
Actually, I mirrored according to NetBSD's mirroring guide. The part I mirrored was the ftp mirror. Full FTP mirror that is.
overselling hosters who gives out 1TB of space and such. Would it be against their TOS to mirror Open Source sites

IMHO companies that offer that much space and bandwidth never imagine anyone would ever use it. For the small % of customers that do reach those amounts, they get cut off.
IMHO companies that offer that much space and bandwidth never imagine anyone would ever use it. For the small % of customers that do reach those amounts, they get cut off.
Berlieve me they limit other things... Thats why we have thouthands of dissatisfied customers
bad business if you ask me. I had been looking for a place to store large amounts of data, but after reading the terms of service realized id never be allowed to fill the space.

Wonder if there is a study on the average customer consumption of space and bandwidth - guess I'll start googling.