i dont care for the stripe background or the gradient bar separators between the menu items.
on the about page, you need to make the questions radio buttons, not check boxes. maybe consider using an iphone style yes/no toggle to give a more updated look and feel. add some animation css transitions (like when you hover over the social ribbons, make them slide down and change color a bit or something)
fix the spelling of "Captchac" on the contact page to Captcha
your email address, to reduce the amount of spam, I would say to turn into a PHP image so that bots scanning the page pass over it since it would look to be an image. If you need help, I have a PHP function that does this on the fly that I have written. Let me know and I can hook you up.
if you have the time, i would HIGHLY suggest making the site responsive so that it is viewable correctly on all devices and resolutions. If you are unsure how to do this, look into using the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It has responsive design built in.
i know this seems like a lot of stuff, but really, it is not bad. just things that can improve it and take it to the next level. good luck.