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ron paul does not accept evoloution.

heh, sorry misworded. people *adapt* better to their enviroments, we evolve according to our environments, that was actually a poor example on my part. heres a better one involving animals:

rabbits are designed to breed fast and live fast, this because they have evolved for maximum survival according to their environment? how do we know - because when put in a different environment where the natural predator is gone they flourish.
It's obvious you don't accept evolution, you're not fooling anyone.
Hmmmm...I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. To question something does not necessarily mean that one does not accept it.

In science, theory has a different definition:

Aparantly all these theories you think have been made facts didn't include gravity, because it is a theory at present -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity

So, clearly, you're wrong.

Now, you're just playing with words.
As I said who knows how many pages back just yesterday..

The issue has never been resolved, because people have their own opinion. That is how we had been made. So why argue over who's opinion is better than the others? You won't change their mind!
Now, you're just playing with words.

No, we're not playing with words - in the scientific community, the word theory means something different than in the general community.

The whole of Science is theory. Global Warming is just as much of a Scientific Theory as Gravity.
No, we're not playing with words - in the scientific community, the word theory means something different than in the general community.

The whole of Science is theory. Global Warming is just as much of a Scientific Theory as Gravity.

Just a note:
Last I checked we are not a science community. I do believe we are a WEBHOSTING community unless there was a new memo I didn't receive?!

Global warming IS happening right now and we have viable proof as such. We can look at it and say "yep its global warming" with evolution you cannot look at an ape and say "yep we evolved from apes, but for some damned reason (like the constitution is a "damned piece of paper") there are still bloody apes around.
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Just a note:
Last I checked we are not a science community. I do believe we are a WEBHOSTING community unless there was a new memo I didn't receive?!

We are talking about science, therefore we use the definition used in the scientific community.

----ing hell, some people are retarded. We shouldn't be arguing about STONE COLD INARGUABLE FACTS such as the DEFINITION OF THEORY. The theory of evolution is not a stone cold inarguable fact, I'll admit, but the DEFINITION OF THEORY ----ING WELL IS.

---- me.

And let me re-iterate a point. WE ARE NOT DECENDANTS FROM THE APES WE SEE TODAY! That would not make sense! We have the same common ancestors as the apes we see today.
We are talking about science, therefore we use the definition used in the scientific community.

----ing hell, some people are retarded. We shouldn't be arguing about STONE COLD INARGUABLE FACTS such as the DEFINITION OF THEORY. The theory of evolution is not a stone cold inarguable fact, I'll admit, but the DEFINITION OF THEORY ----ING WELL IS.

---- me.

And let me re-iterate a point. WE ARE NOT DECENDANTS FROM THE APES WE SEE TODAY! That would not make sense! We have the same common ancestors as the apes we see today.

Colin, the issue is this. Some people see certain scientific theories an affront on their religion. God created us "in his own image" and saying we're descended from apes is clearly going to... raise some interesting questions.

I understand you're anger too but calling people retarded solves nothing, people place different levels of importance upon certain things. Just because you think something doesn't make you right (I'm not saying you're wrong) but everyone believes it does.
Colin, the issue is this. Some people see certain scientific theories an affront on their religion. God created us "in his own image" and saying we're descended from apes is clearly going to... raise some interesting questions.

I understand you're anger too but calling people retarded solves nothing, people place different levels of importance upon certain things. Just because you think something doesn't make you right (I'm not saying you're wrong) but everyone believes it does.

I was calling people retarded because for whatever reason they couldn't take in the definition of theory as fact. Not the theory as fact, but the definition as theory as fact.

I know people have their religions and what works for them is fine. I was just getting worked up because out of all the things that are up for debate in this thread - there are plenty of good ones; US Elections, Theory of Evolution, and a few others - people are arguing on a definition of a word. Which can't be argued about.
Daisil and The Stealthy One were. Anyway can we change the subject from the definition of theory! sheesh!


To all those people saying that "God created man in his own image" - and man is perfect - how come males have nipples (and mammary glands!), the appendix, and a tail bone?
Its all related to peoples interpretation of the bibel. In fact if you look at todays issues you can blame them of peoples interpretations. People interpret in a way that suits them.

Terrorists interpretation is that we are infidels.
George bush is widely known to have said "God told him to do it"

I think if you view the bible as metaphoric and not literal then it's a very good book in the ways of teaching morals and ways to live your life. But take it literally and live your life by it, you've wasted your life.

But seriously this is getting way off topic now...
I know I tried saying that before, but NO... because I said it right after I was "wrong" we had to continue debating :)

Plus Colin yeah, most of the bible you can't take literally... some you can.
I feel like jumping in.

Evolution, or the fact that we share common ancestors as, for example, apes, is also seen in the feotus of both species. If you compare a human foetus to an ape one, when they are developing they start out almost exactly the same and then goes on to add distinguishing features.

This method has also been used to see what other animals share ancestors. We may, depending on your beliefs, have evolved originally from a water-living animal, considering human foetus' have gills, which when the foetus is delevoping turn into the lower jawbone.

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I know I tried saying that before, but NO... because I said it right after I was "wrong" we had to continue debating :)

Plus Colin yeah, most of the bible you can't take literally... some you can.

but its knowing which parts to take literally!

@colin: theres nothing wrong with off topic, this is still a related topic to evolution, in fact its the base argument which evolution comes off.
but its knowing which parts to take literally!

@colin: theres nothing wrong with off topic, this is still a related topic to evolution, in fact its the base argument which evolution comes off.

Sure. Well I sure as hell don't believe that we all descended from one man and one woman who were kicked out of a wonderful garden for listening to a talking snake and eating fruits from the forbidden tree, and subsequently doomed the whole of mankind.

But I do believe that we should contribute to society by not just doing whatever we feel like and not thinking about how morally good or bad it is, and without considering the consequences.
1) Belief in god is the belief in magic.
2) Watch Zeitgeist (check google video) and you'll see how jesus is really a copy of countless previous gods, such as Horus.
3) The Stealthy One still hasn't explained how we were playing with words.