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ron paul does not accept evoloution.

our country is in a ----ing mess as well. we have a prime minister that well, lets face, is a complete moron. we didnt even get a vote to decide if we wanted him. it was more or less:

tony blair: bai!
gordon brown: hi guys!

But then again we don't have a president that can pretty much do what he pleases.

But then again Tony Blair did pretty much do what he pleased.


I say we bring back the assasins.
if we evolved from apes, then, why the hell are there still apes?
We didn't literally evolve from apes, humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Also, the thing about science you have to remember is that science is not open to interpretation; something either is or isn't, it does or doesn't.

On Ron Paul: how can someone who denies evolution, even though it's been so clearly proven, be fit to make rational decisions affecting the country and the world? Keep in mind that I'm not against Ron Paul, he's my #2 choice for President behind Obama.
It's always sad to threads that start out in a somewhat rational manner overtaken by fanatical idiots. :rolleyes:


I think this thread is taking a turn for the worse and I don't want to contribute to it.

I'll leave it at that.

Seriously guys, I made an awesome post citing sources about what I feel is wrong with Ron Paul and his ideas.

All I get is 'oh I'm just gonna say vote for ron paul, im not getting into this lol'.

I have not seen one single thing that I posted rebutted, and I feel that if you are going to tell people to vote for Ron Paul you should be able and willing to back him up.
Here is another reason to not vote for Ron Paul.


What is HR 180 you ask? Well, of course feel free to click the link and look for yourself, but I will some it up for those you don't feel like it.

Have you heard of Dafur? Maybe? Maybe not? What's wikipedia have to say about?
Wikipedia said:
The Darfur conflict is a crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan. Unlike the Second Sudanese Civil War, the current lines of conflict are seen to be ethnic and tribal, rather than religious.[1] One side of the armed conflict is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, a militia group recruited mostly from the Arab Baggara tribes of the northern Rizeigat, camel-herding nomads. The other side comprises a variety of rebel groups, notably the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement, recruited primarily from the land-tilling non-Arab Fur, Zaghawa, and Massaleit ethnic groups. The Sudanese government, while publicly denying that it supports the Janjaweed, has provided money and assistance to the militia and has participated in joint attacks targeting the black African tribes from which the rebels draw support.[2] The conflict began in February of 2003.

The combination of decades of drought, desertification, and overpopulation are among the causes of the Darfur conflict, because the Baggara nomads searching for water have to take their livestock further south, to land mainly occupied by non-Arab farming communities.[3]

There are many casualty estimates, most concurring on a range within the hundreds of thousands. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the conflict has left as many as 450,000 dead from violence and disease.[4] Most non-governmental organizations use 200,000 to more than 400,000; the latter is a figure from the Coalition for International Justice that has since been cited by the UN. Sudan's government claims that over 9,000 people have been killed, although this figure is seen as a gross underestimate.[5][6] As many as 2.5 million are thought to have been displaced as of October 2006. [7] (See Counting deaths section, below)

The Sudanese government has suppressed information by jailing and killing witnesses since 2004 and tampered with evidence such as mass graves to eliminate their forensic values.[8][9][10] In addition, by obstructing and arresting journalists, the Sudanese government has been able to obscure much of what has gone on.[11][12][13][14] The mass media once described the conflict as both "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide," and now do so without hesitation. The United States government has described it as genocide,[15] although the UN has declined to do so. (See List of declarations of genocide in Darfur) In March 2007 the UN mission accused Sudan's government of orchestrating and taking part in "gross violations" in Darfur and called for urgent international action to protect civilians there.

Oh God that is terrible! But what can America do to help?

Dun dun na na, HR 180 to the rescue!

A resolution to urge the Arab League's member states to declare the systematic torture, rape and displacement of Darfurians [to be] a genocide; to pass a resolution to support a robust hybrid AU-UN peace-keeping force to enforce a cease-fire, protect civilians and ensure access to humanitarian aid; and [to] work with the U.N., the AU, and U.S. Special Envoy Andrew Natsios to stabilize the region.

Awesome sounds great. It is great. So great that the House voted on it 425-1.

Guess who that 1 was?


There's another one that won't be rebutted.
Seriously guys, I made an awesome post citing sources about what I feel is wrong with Ron Paul and his ideas.

I'm quoting this just to underline the word that caused me to giggle manly. I just love it when people proclaim themselves awesome. :p

But seriously, I'm with you on that one (the part I didn't quote). His post was the only one that voiced an opinion backed up by credible sources. I'd like to see some real debate on the same level, instead of the usual "---- you i'm right ur lame and wrong he's like the god of penis so vote for him" type argument.
I'm quoting this just to underline the word that caused me to giggle manly. I just love it when people proclaim themselves awesome. :p

For the record, I was proclaiming the post to be awesome, not myself. I choose to let others decided what type of person is capable of making an awesome post like that.

Also, to the Ron Paulistas out there you have a lot of catching up to do and you might want to get started. I have a lot more where that came from. (Although I did kinda blow my wad on that first post).
Just vote for Obama and get it done with :lol:

Also, where is the proof about evolution? My theory is god made evolution happen. It's stupid to think that two atoms and particles or w/e collided randomly at a random time out of no where and made all this we see today by coincidence. There has to be some sort of creator(god as I like to call him).
Just vote for Obama and get it done with :lol:

Also, where is the proof about evolution? My theory is god made evolution happen. It's stupid to think that two atoms and particles or w/e collided randomly at a random time out of no where and made all this we see today by coincidence. There has to be some sort of creator(god as I like to call him).

yeah and it's totally sane to think some magic man in the sky did it. jesus christ, your post must be the most stupidest i have ever read on this site. and i was here when roly was a member.

holy ---- my mind is blown.

Now that was a bit harsh NetMaster, all he said was he believed in God.

stuff, there is plenty of proof of evolution - for example in the darker more gringy cities the dark moth population is by far overcoming the white moth population because predators find it harder to stop them. That's just one textbook example. There are plenty more. Google is your friend.

Also, where is the proof about evolution? My theory is god made evolution happen. It's stupid to think that two atoms and particles or w/e collided randomly at a random time out of no where and made all this we see today by coincidence. There has to be some sort of creator(god as I like to call him).
You do not understand evolution. Natural selection is anything but random.

it's my theory. Stop being hateful, and let me get on with my bliss :)
God is a hypothesis.
The apes we see today have also evolved since we have evolved from them. If that makes sense.

Basically, crude paint drawing;

Obviously there's hundreds more evolutionary processes (and not an even amount on each side and different offsets etc) but you get the general idea.

/nb: the human species, are apes.

sorry brother, i just dont buy it myself.
if we evolved from apes there wouldn't be anymore apes in this world.

Now, since this is getting to be WAY off topic, lets keep it back on the political aspect instead of what we all believe in. Shall we? :)
I don't have support to either side, evolution or religion. Though I'm Catholic, I don't support any christian or faith-following leaders. My reason for saying that is because they COMPLETELY overuse the "god meant for this to happen" or "god wanted this to happen." Lately, religion is a mess, and its starting to annoy me. I like leaders who base their decisions on facts and logical reasons rather than religion or faith.