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Side-by-side tables


Mile High Club
What's the way to have tables side-by-side? Mine always want to go underneath each other... Thanks :D
What I do is place the 2 tables inside another table. something like this

<td>Table 1</td>
<td>Table 2</td>
Yep...Just trying to avoid a nesting...I'll have to use that with, in my case, rules...unless there's another way...Thanks :D
You could have one aligned to the right and the other to the left like this:

<table border="1" align="left">
Table 1

<table border="1" align="right">
Table 2

...or you could just make the two tables into one:

<table border="1">
"Table" 1
"Table" 2

...but I would just do as Gonzo suggested and nest them in an outer table.