King Liquid
New Member
I would really appreicate it if you could answer these questions as it will help me alot. Thankyou!
1) What is your budget for shared hosting?
b) $1-$3
c) $4-$8
d) Other (Please Specify)
2) What do you expect most from a shared hosting provider?
a) Support
b) Low Price
c) High Uptime
d) Other (Please Specify)
3) What makes you choose a host?
a) Testimonals/Reviews
b) Amount of Members/Clients
c) Popularity
d) Other (Please Specify)
4) What is most important to you in shared hosting?
a) Disk Space
b) Bandwidth
c) Features
d) Other (Please Specify)
5) How old are you?
a) 10-15
b) 16-18
c) 19-24
d) 25 & Over