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Hey everyone, I'm not sure if I should be posting this in here for good feeback, but it's general, so i'll post it here.


For a month or so i've been working on a website idea of mine. It's called "Baby's Page", IE babyspage.com. Basically, it's going to be a website for new parents to come to and read info, and use services for new borns and infants. Right now i'm trying to learn PHP so I can get a "Virtual Online Baby Book" in the works.
I'll tell you some of the finer details later on.

Anywho, I'm planning for it to be a major competitor in the search engines with other baby related websites.


I'm looking for some serious webmasters to come join me in the creation of this great website. I'm looking for at least 2 people who know HTML, PHP, CGI, mySQL, website graphics or someone who just wants to contribute to the baby related content.

Keep in mind, this is going to be a serious website that offers most services for free, and some that are not. Basically, a future commercial website. However, at the moment i'm hosting it on my own connection using WS2k3 and mySQL, that will change once we get it up and running.

If you are interested in joining up with me, then please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

However, I do have some preferences to the people contacting me about joining up. Please be Age 16 or older, mature, serious about making money, dedicated.

By E-mail: ryanww@toughguy.net
MSN: ryanww@toughguy.net

If you e-mail me, please include the following before your own comments:

First Name:
Experience: (example) 3 years of HTML, PHP, CGI
What you can contribute
website: (if applicable)

Thanks, hope to be working with some of you real soon!

(Hope I don't sound like an idiot putting this post up)
Do you have kids of your own ?

I have 1, almost 2, actually thought it was gonna be born last night, but a false alarm - and a night in the hospital waiting around.

I may be interested in designing it, graphics and htm, but as for the other things I can't really help with them.
Originally posted by pro5ject
Do you have kids of your own ?

I have 1, almost 2, actually thought it was gonna be born last night, but a false alarm - and a night in the hospital waiting around.

I may be interested in designing it, graphics and htm, but as for the other things I can't really help with them.

No I don't have a kid of my own. But my 10 month old neice is living with me at the moment, so basically she inspired me to make the page.

I don't need someone to make the entire page for me, but rather with me. Msn me sometime and we can talk about it.

If you check out my preview, you'll see what i'm aiming for.

hey, that's good idea.. i never did baby's site b4 ..
am intrested.. how do i contacting u ??
my email velton [at] streamyx.com and also my MSN . thanks
I have really gotten interested in your POST, and site Theme, hope I still may be helpful.... :)

already emailed you, the subject is "Really interested in helping you", don't delete it thinking it's spam :) !!!
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Good Stuff people, now we just need to start communicating on MSN. Any others wise to apply/join ?