Please check your mail, something went wrong with our administration software.
June was free and will not be billed.
About the on our server, our account at Registerfly,where we purchased our own domain was hacked and the hacker redirected our site to, altrough this was solved within 24h.
NevaCious has a strong finnancial position and we will not go bankrupt. Our servers are paid one year in advance , so clients can be sure there website will never be taken offline because of our company going bankrupt. We make profit and nevacious is a fast growing company , offering great products with good support at the best price.
The problem you had was a administration problem,and had nothing to do with our service, even at the big company's like microsoft there can be administration problems.
But altrough our sales staff solved this issue for you ,and there are no other problems.
Also we do not screw you over. IF we did we would no longer be on the market, we are growing daily,because we offer a quality product.
And I would like to inform you that we have nothing to do with VespaCious, we bought all vespacious clients their accounts and we had to change the name into NevaCious because of problems with Vespa Motors.
It would be stupid of us to keep the CIOUS in our name if we wanted to vanish all vespacious tracks ... Currently Stijn from Vespacious is helping us with our support, because we are understaffed (we can't find a good helpdesk member)
Also , we offer all our clients the first month free, so there is no risk at all to try out our services, we would not offer this if we offered crap.
At every company something can go wrong, altrough we survived all problems and we continue offering the best quality at the best price!. This is the first bad review on NevaCious. We host over 300 websites, so if we were really bad,we would no longer be here