Even personal blogs, should not use free hosting, if the blog do have important posts.
Some people regret that they host their blog in free hosting, and when the host is gone, they regretted that they never make a backup of the blog database and everything is gone with the dead host.
There's nothing wrong with free hosting as long as you always remember that it can close at any moment for any reason. Use a automated backup solution on your home computer that will download your entire site and database daily. That way if they do roll over and die, you still have your data.
Ultimately, even paid hosts crumble in the end. You are the only person to blame if you lose data unless the hosts ToS specify they will provide you with backups (and even then unless you want to actually take them to court over it, good luck there. Some will be honorable and provide you with the backups -- others will try charging you an outrageous amount or deny you them entirely.)