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It depends on a number of factors including how reliable they are, the prices (applied to paid) and the features. You could say free hosting is better, but its limited and restrictive in terms of the fact you have to do things to get the hosting, hence the ideas of Post-2-Host and showing Adverts on your website to allow it to be free.
Paid hosting however is more reliable, has a lot more freedom (within their TOS), and other factors.
It of course depends on your needs. If your running some small personal website then a reliable free host is probably best so you don't have to worry about paying the bill every month (of course you could pay per year or something).
A cheap new host can be just as unreliable as a free web host.
Depends on what you want. If you are planning on a Website that will be using enormous resources, above the average that is provided by free website hosts, then it would probably have to be a paid host, but with the understanding that not all paid hosts are equal. You'd have to do plenty of home work first. Best is finding one through networking so you have a pretty good idea of what to expect.
Well, I would like to go with paid service rather then considering Free services. Paid services can provide us with better support services at any point of situation.
It depends on what features you need, reliability and support that you expect. You may not get all the features, reliability, support etc in free hosting service. In case of paid service from a quality host you will get lot of features and softwares along with uptime guarantee/reliability as well as support.
In all ways paid hosting is better than free hosting as when you get near free hosting guys they will start playing off their tricks or we may not be satisfied with their free offers... so if we pay few dollars and go to good hosting providers we can enjoy reliable services... once when i was unlucky with free hosting provider and they were able to help me out with all that I required in to host...
Paid hosting is of course more reliable. You can't expect to get the best service if you are going for free. Of course there are differences between hosts. Free hosting is a good way to get your website started without high fees or contracts.
Free hosting is a good choice if you can upgrade it at any time when needed. It's recommended to upgrade your plan if you start receiving more traffic or if your website is hosting critical content that must be available at all times.
without a doubt the paid hosting is better, since you are paying for the services and the company is earning the profits from it, so mostly its more reliable and dont always look for the cheapest one, I would recommend you to see how many years they are in business and having a live chat or email conversation regarding their TOS and other policies is always better before a signup
We think both are nice but paid hosting is a more effective than free hosting, but if you have any financial problem than you choose free hosting otherwise we suggest for paid hosting for a better result.
Typically I would say paid hosting. However, if you get free hosting (and you're like me) I monitor my servers VERY closely and I don't overcrowd. I bet my servers are even better than some paid servers because paid is typically out to only make as much money as possible. So yeah, I guess it could go either way.