Free hosting is only useful if you have website with single web pages or etc and it is not useful for hosting data driven websites. So better go with affordable web hosting service rather than free hosting because with free hosting you have limitation with resources, support from web host and more. So go with shared hosting service rather than free hosting.
Which is pretty much what Adrian AND Dotze said a while ago. Repeating the same ideas isn't helping the discussion. Trying to necro a thread from 2017 isn't helping either. Why are you all posting replies to a long dead discission?Building a website has become the most important way to get your message out in the world. However, when you are first starting, you may not want to spend money on making a website.
Most people simply want something quick, easy, and free.
There are tons of free website hosting companies in the market. But as a smart consumer, you should know that there is no such thing as free lunch.
There is always a catch.