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Why only Google for SEO?


New Member
Many search engines are available in on the web but most of the webmasters are using Google. I want to know that why webmasters are emphasizing on Google for doing SEO and why not other search engines? And, how they do SEO effectively only in Google and get the result?
What works on Google pretty much works on other search engines since they followed suit but "didn't copy anything".
Google is far ahead than other search engine and it is much better than other search engine in terms of search result.
Because Google has more search share and send much traffic to website than other search engines.
For me, it is a matter of work vs. reward. Google is the most widely used search engine, but most SEO techniques seem to work equally well for Google and others. I can get the most benefit out of simply targeting Google and allowing the others to index.
Google is more popular than other search engines. But, it depends on your target market also. If you are targeting Taiwan, then I'll suggest Yahoo!
Google has the most number of searches per day than the other search engines combined thus you are targeting those searches. But you can also optimize your website specifically for yahoo or bing. It all depends on your preference.
Google is the dominant search engine within the market today. This explains why web developers and designers tend to have a proclivity toward then. They also provide fairly straightforward documentation, in regards to best practices, through the Webmaster Tools.

Additionally, many search engines tend to emulate the methodology Google utilizes, specifically, keyword placement and saturation, as well as some type of page ranking, dependent upon your link quality (in and out). So, by developing for Google, you're really developing for everyone. It is just simpler to say Google, because everyone knows what you are talking about. To Google is almost synonymous with To Search.
Also, Google is the most forward thinking search engine - it's algo is designed to find the most relevant and best sites - and is constantly developing so that old SEO Tricks (blackhat) no longer fool it, and ultimately the public, so as a webmaster if your SEO is working on Google you know that your content, design and marketing methods are of a worthy standard.
i want seo my website

i want seo my website, my website is mainly for stone crusher,grinder mill.Vipeak Heavy Industry Machinery Group Company is a high-tech mining machinery company in China. Our service has expanded to the entire world, almost including 75 countries.
Many search engines are available in on the web but most of the webmasters are using Google. I want to know that why webmasters are emphasizing on Google for doing SEO and why not other search engines? And, how they do SEO effectively only in Google and get the result?

If you are first on Google probably you will be first with all search engines... so that is why the focus on Google.
People are mostly target to Google for their websites because
* Google is most popular and most searchable search engine in world
* It has world largest database, you can find anything in Google and it provides Broad results related to your searches
* It provides many tools and services for promotion of your website like Google webmaster tool, Google Analytics tool.. etc.
* It provides huge traffic on your website, which increase the popularity of your products, business, brand and website.
Google shares high traffic in internet marketing as compare to other search engines. So most of the people prefers google for the seo purpose.
I only optimize for Google both because of its industry dominance but also because other search engines seem to copy Google. So since their all looking for the same thing by optimizing for Google you are also optimizing for Bing or other engines.
Many search engines are available in on the web but most of the webmasters are using Google. I want to know that why webmasters are emphasizing on Google for doing SEO and why not other search engines? And, how they do SEO effectively only in Google and get the result?

Google is the biggest, and can provide the highest traffic.