my working hours are easy
before i got a job i was working around 16 hours a day (what you call work ofcourse)
or to say it easy , i was always online until i feel that i needed to go to sleep and that no customers needed me , if they needed me then mostly my staff was waking up ( so it was 9 am for me or so )
now i got a job then i still do the same , exept now i work until 3 am or so exept if a cmr need me then i keep helping him
for the other related stuff i got staff , that they need to wait 6 hours is because my staff is sleeping to (if he is sleeping , he is a night persone like i am )
so to make it short
i work always when possibe but i can not put hours on it
sometimes i work 36 hours , other times i work 10 hours and other times i work 2 hours
thats how you need to take care of your customers , be flexible , always help your customers and they will be happy
ofcourse i got alerts to if something goes down , but that is a other story to take care of
Greetings From PowerChaos
ps: work means fixing problems , solving problems , creating projects , updating projects , keep clients happy and a lot of backend stuff
for promotions and seo i got staff ^^