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Yahoo.com vs Google.com

Which is the best web portal.

  • Yahoo.com

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Google.com

    Votes: 24 92.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
hi, heard that both of the web portals getting very popular nowadays. Just want have a poll among us to find out the results :biggrin2:

ps : i vote google.com coz it was the best search engine that i ever found.
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I use google for a few reasons:

1) Because their website is not cluttered with crap and ads like Yahoo.
2) Because I have the google toolbar
3) Because their page (IMO) loads faster than Yahoo
4) The results are better and straight to the point
5) Because I like Google!
about: blank has been my starting page ever since I could remember. I use google for searches. Yahoo is good for mail.
Wait, I think I'm thinking of "portal" in a different way than everyone else... I'm thinking of "portal" as in one website that has news, search, e-mail, shopping, etc. I hate portals in general.
notnamed said:
Wait, I think I'm thinking of "portal" in a different way than everyone else... I'm thinking of "portal" as in one website that has news, search, e-mail, shopping, etc. I hate portals in general.
That's how I think of it too, and I'm pretty sure most people use that same definition.
jmiller said:
That's how I think of it too, and I'm pretty sure most people use that same definition.
Yeep but since he included google, which doesn't have a portal, I guess he just assumed a search engine?
I also use about:blank as my start page too, but usually I find myself going to google.com as I search for things.
Google 4 ever and ever.
For me just the best. Fast & accurate.

Some time ago I study google hardware and I just go :God:
Since I use firefox, I use google because its built in.

Not that I would use if it wasn't, because I would. I think I've visisted yahoo maybe twice in my life.
hey guys, i learned from a book of e-commercial. web portal is refer to a site which contains search engines, categories of information, webmail, and other support.

in my view, google started their plan to being a web portal, since they dev. news section, entertainment section, gmail, and lots more!

did you think that google would be monopoly the entire of the search engine, it seem that the yahoo! search engine was powered by google. i got those tag from the yahoo! search result. i'm not sure whether it's true.
Google for most of my searches, although I wouldn't go as far as saying it's that accurate. A lot of results are bloated with porn, ad companies' links and illegible foreign language hits with just the occasional word of English on it.

I use google for a few reasons:

1) Because their website is not cluttered with crap and ads like Yahoo.
If you use IE, just add a search prefix for both. Typing "google <keywords>" or "yahoo <keywords>" takes me to the search results, bypassing the front page entirely.
yahoo.com is good for finding general information and i do read their news occusionally but for more specific information you can't beat google. thus is why i voted google.