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It's 12AM in the land of Oz, and I'm sick at the moment, slept from 12PM-7PM and have no signs of going to sleep... therefore I will post about the New Year!
Last night I went skating with a bunch of my friends, then got messed up on DXM. Soo.......I can imagine tonight I will go skating and end up even more messed up on DXM than I was last night since it's NEW YEARS EVE. Woohoo!
A note to all who read this: NEVER ever do DXM. NEVER. It is horrible for you. I'm serious. :angry2:
Yeah well, now it's 5:55 PM (while I'm typing), and I still think that celebrating the new years this way is not that great. For me, tomorrow is just another day.
both my parents went to sleep early with 'headaches', which i'm pretty sure they did you sick sick puppies, and i stayed up all night matching a becker marathon and man show marathon, occaisionally checking what was on cartoon network - needless to say, it was fun.
i don't even remember last years one, but i can't imagine it being too exciting if I was there D: