There is no one on this forum that can hurt that company. Who ever says they can good luck, provide proof.
well, we have proven it before that we can bring down a company , specialy a company that works in a illigal way ( directclanhosting )
first of all
if you ask for proof of id then you do that BEFORE a order
after a order is not legal
Second , where does it says that she need to provide a id ? that she need to call those numbers ?? and that she need to wait 30 days to hear that they can not get a refund (30 days money back .. hmm )
lets continue to provide proof of a scam
after a refund is asked , you still dit not provide a refund because above reasons , she fail to provide his id .. makes sense
but where is the secure upload form that encrypts those id's against theft ?? , where is the security that is needed to ask for those id's and to store them in a secure location ?? (dit you forgot that it is needed ?)
Then for the phone number , it can happend that you do phone verification , and that you got a phone support line
but refunds are always taken care of by email or by a letter , but i guess you just do not need records for a refund as you do not provide the refund in first place
There are a few more things of that where you can close your company for , and specialy those things that goes to fraude
lets keep going on for the proof
when does a refund need verification of ownership/id ?
the only verification that is needed is the email adress that is used to sign up , failing to provide that can prevent a refund
but even then , when do you send a refund to a differend location where it was coming from ( visa => same bank account , paypal => same email account ... and so on ) so pressing a refund button and it goes back to who paid
if she then dit not got the money , thats her problem because it is refunded to the persone who paid
but by "lack of proof" does it seems hard for us to sue you ? , does it seems hard for us to bring your company down ?? well , give us 1 week and i am sure you notice what we can do
in case you are wondering why i make this post , i am sure you remember my name ( PowerChaos ) and the damage i dit before
at same time i am now dealing with onebip that is going up the same way ( refuse payout , goes about 200€ ) and that company is a lot bigger then you are
so if i can deal with them .. then your just some1 who is in the way and that can be easy eliminated
before saying that there is no proof , be sure to look where you shoulnd look
there is plenty of proof left to destroy you , there are plenty of records left to provide the needed proof
if i got the change and you try that to me those days , then i am sure i sue you and i go for a damage claim (loss of income , feeling bad because got scammed and a lot more things) , and i specialy go for the big money so i kow you can not start up a other company to do the same (wait 2 weeks , ask onebip what they lost on me because they refused to pay out and you know where i aim at

so to make a big story short
before claiming that they can not do anything , be sure that they can not do anything
but if you even try to scam 10$ because a "human" mistake
that you ask your own client that she need to pay a extra 10$ because else you lose everything and make huge losses ?? then you are a realy silly persone
in short , i got more people hosted on my server with a wrong invoice because human error and i still make profit ( just server cost .. webhosting doesnt cost a thing so i do not lose a thing but earn less because of errors )
all who claim that it is not that way are just scammers , noobs or they do not belong in the world of internet
and TheBoss and your company are 1 of those that does not belong here
Greetings From PowerChaos