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managed wordpress hosting

What do you want to become in future?


Something like that?
Sain Cai said:
Well preferably under ground
Haha Sain Cai, I wanted to give you rep for that comment. I want to be a programmer. I am a programmer, but I mean one making a big salary. I'm still going for my Bachelor in Computer Science right now. I have about 14 courses left.
Hey, guys first of very good morning to you all. I have completed my graduation as Bachelor Of Computer Application (BCA). Currently I am working with IT company as web developer and web designer. In coming year I will start doing Master Of Computer Application and so I am doing job and along with it I am doing classes for MCA. In future I want to become big web developer and in future I will develop my own personal website. Once I create my website I will market my website in through SEO and will earn lots of money. So my ultimate future goal is to make lot lot money and help poor people.

Rashmi Kamani
What would I like to be in the future?
Hmmm...well, a successful and joyous woman. That's what I want to become. I just don't want to be successful in the eyes of the world but more importantly in the eyes of God. :)
I want to either become a psychiatrist or a paediatrician because i love helping people, and i love the mind and how it works :) but who know this could change
I will be dropping into either Computational Mathematics or Financial Mathematics, because I want to be a Financial Controller or a Software Engineer when I grow up. :biggrin2: