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Windows Vista

How much does it cost?? Ive heard that its pretty good, someone actually told me it was a lot more like some of the mac OS than previous windows products.

I have to say i think windows is going on a bit of a copy drive at the moment, their new IE is REMARKABLY similar to FF.

i do like the new windows media player, very stylish

sorry that was all a bit off topic, :)
yeah, thats what i thought, so does anyone have any impression of what it looks like. like i said , im working on rumours here.
I got an email from Microsoft, I'm a beta tester for Vista. They said the beta is supposed to be over on the 10th. So yeah, I think next month they're releasing.
I've beta tested vista and I must admit I will not upgrade.
Besides the sugar coated interface and the more omni present noob-friendlyness, I don't see nothing new.
Sure the underlying code might have got a good facelift, stuff you'r used to find in a specific folder in pre-vista is rearanged, but that does not improve the functionality of anything for my needs.

Btw, where's the UP button in explorer? ugh.
Ive also been testing it for a long time and am Vista-certified [Microsoft's new program for people in the tech field]

That being said, I would consider myself fairly knowledgeable about MS Vista. I am not 100% sure if I will upgrade, regardless if I do, it won't be an immediate upgrade. I was not impressed but a lot of things it had, and the biggest factor is that it doesn't really add anything that makes me desire it. As Wojtek mentioned, the functionality of many things has not changed much, for better or for worse depending on how you look at it. I would gain nothing from upgrading, except some features I don't need, a pretty style, and slightly more stable environment. My XP machines don't crash anyway, so im not too concerned with an immediate upgrade.
Well i'm definatly going to upgrade, but will wait until programs are actually compatible and my drivers.
I have been testing Vista for quite some to now and i have to agree with others on this one. They really havent changed to much besides the pretty interface and to be frank about it its a resource hog. 512mb or Ram is the bare bones minimun that it will run on and it crawls like a snail even on a machine with a 2.4ghz processor and 512 mb of RAM and you asked about the price. Its been said that the price of Vista (Home Basic) will start around $199.00 and the Ultimate Edition (Equivalent of Media Center) Is going to start around $499.00. I dont see myself upgrading to this OS and to be honest i see it as another ME disaster ahead..The driver support is still horrible and not all apps are Vista compatible..Im still going to be a XP man for a while at lease until the first SP and maybe they lower the resource usage as well..


the Ultimate Edition (Equivalent of Media Center) Is going to start around $499.00.
Hum, no. Ultimate edition is like XP Pro Pro.
Home Premium would be equal to media center. Can't remeber the price but I believe about 300-400$.
It hasn't changed enough for me to move, there's a couple tidbits of good stuff, but that's about it.
It does sound expensive, i guess ill stick with XP for a while, I hope MS dont back off on the XP upgrades and patches for a while yet, they could, in order to encourage people to purchase the new software
Nope, pretty sure they will continue with their XP updates. Look at W2k, and the older OS's. They still have updates don't they? :)
Most likely because they don't have integrated video, as Vista won't go for that. Not sure though.
I wouldn't use Vista if they paid me.
Just....why? Linux is infinitely better.

And like Linus Torvalds says, "Software is like sex - it's better when it's free".

It's also extremely insecure, my friend did a fresh Vista install, enabled all the security stuff on it, posted the IP on a hacking forum, and the comp was hacked within an hour and a half.

Plus the Vista Kernel is completely "closed off", which means you can only use AV software from M$, except hackers have already bypassed this new "security feature".

It also requires a supercomputer to run, and surely has an infinite number of bugs.

Just....why? Why would anyone want such rubbish?