I wish you all the best but its not just me, you must understand that yes they maybe gd 13y + who can run companies but theres more that ruin it for the rest of us good hosts including yourself maybe but this is a major concern so you can understand my thoughts.oates151 said:Craig all you have is negitive comments. If you used your brain you would have thought up that I have another support agent that lives in the UK
so when im about to go to school, hes getting out of school so he does support until I come home. It works our great with ac-webhosting with me an Adam, so it will most likely work with me. If you have nothing to say but 13 year olds are ruining the hosting then I suggest you say nothing at all. Teens are like running ALOT of online companys these days, I dont think they are runing anything. For all you know sites like freewebs.com can be run by teens some day if their not already. Chill and lets all just get along please, i dont need neg comments.
rainboiboi said:I think you all should calm down now instead of all the craps. Now, he's 13 so what? Age doesnt mean anything. Though you might doubt his experience, but he's willing to learn. Why not give him a chance? Well, even if you cant offer a reseller, which is what he request, you can also support him morally. Rather than scolding and condemning that he will not suceed. By the way pat, I'm 16 and I'm also helping out with my friend's webhosting company. If you have jobs for me in you future webhosting company, I'll be willing to help.
For now, just cool down and support him. If not, shut up and smile.