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managed wordpress hosting


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Yupapa, how come when I try to upload a wav file it says invalid format? Do you know alow wavs on your server? The wav file is only like 40k and is the only one the page, its just a background sound.
Damn!! 100+ posts in a single thread in a day!! THis has *GOT* to be some kind of record... *lol* :D
Okay, how do you sign up? Yes, I'm smart enough to click on the Sign Up button... then what?

Hey, since you're canceling the advanced package, then will the general package have all the features of the advanced? :)

Okay, it seems like Yupapa has fixed the homefree script. I'm gonna check this service out.. :cool:

[Edited by LeX on 04-10-2001 at 02:19 PM]
Yupapa, direct your Home link to main.shtml instead of index.html.

And, uh, your DHTML menu doesn't work on every page.
No sign up is possible

Hi yupapa, you offer an great service, but I can`t sign up!!
That`s an bad start for an new host.
When is sign up possible again?
get a buzz from calling me edward? my grandma is the only person who calls me that .... But since i've had my name changed i could ignore that comment.
not obsessed with putting him down... just said it doesn't look like a very reliable service. plus him coming here and babbling incoherently like some kinda wacko and all. you can't deny that.
Originally posted by keith
not obsessed with putting him down... just said it doesn't look like a very reliable service. plus him coming here and babbling incoherently like some kinda wacko and all. you can't deny that.

yeah, he seems a little excited... but there is nothing wrong with that...
Looking over these posts I crack up laughing :D

Personally, I think that yupapa(or whatever his name is) acts like a dumbass and god knows how he pulled off starting a FWP. I just cant even IMAGINE what ron would say on this topic ;)

Best of luck to ya
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