Originally posted by NC_TOM
First off.. Thanks a lot for the support SOME OF YOU are giving us!!
Secondly.. The rest of you who are bashing us, just back off a little and don't be so fast to diss the service before you've even seen it! I hope you'll learn sooner or later..
To the owner of Downtownhost: NETCABINS HARD DRIVE CRASHED. It was an accident. We made the mistake of not having any recent backups. We never DELETED the users' files. And we never LIED to any of our users as you are suggesting.
About the delays in NetCabins re-opening.. I was going based on what John said. When he works, his guessed opening date is usually way before the actual opening date. I've learned that now and I haven't made any more promises to people about when our service is re-opening, because John's estimate dates are usually not the same as the actual date. When John told me late March, I told the public we'd be open in April.
John was gone for a couple of months, and I was going to run the service again on my own, or just not re-open it altogether. For all that I've went through, nobody else here could have handled it too much better than I did.
I hope all of you HATERS see us a little bit differently when you're using us to host your website sometime. A lot of you haters really don't know what you're talking about anyway, it seems.
>> EDIT >> Oh, and by the way, trenzterra, how do you manage to run a "Corporation" (LOL) yet you can't afford anything better than a CJB.net subdomain?? Why call it a corporation when it's really an unlicensed personal website?
Just curious about that one..
That's why I'm waiting for you guys to open.