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Your signiture?

Gayowulf said:
and you can't deny that, just like you can't deny TWAT = The War Against Terrorism


like this?
Nice find Master Tandoc. You are the best image finderer around, lemme guess, that (number here)chan.org site your always going on about?
Forum articles are indexed by search engines, so hyperlinked sig's should increase your link popularity. You can check your link popularity with Marketleap's Link Popularity Tool. If you click on the number of links to your site on each search engine, you'd see that many of your links are from forum articles (that is, if you included links to your site(s) in your sig file).
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You are dreaming.

/me injects more mysterious substances into bozley05 to stop him from asking too many questions...
Hopefully ezForum gets deleted as well :biggrin2:

That way the mods wouldn't have to waste their time deleting stuff (even though that's part of the reason they're here)
Mahoro said:
Hopefully ezForum gets deleted as well :biggrin2:

That way the mods wouldn't have to waste their time deleting stuff (even though that's part of the reason they're here)
Yup. It makes alot more sense to remove him than all his posts, and the posts of those (like me) who retaliate.