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The info is presented in this language on the free webspace providers website. If a provider does not supply info in english, this normally means that only people from a special country can use the free offer. Your free page could usually be in any language you want, but there might be restrictions on this from some free homepage providers. Take a look at their frequently asked questions page, TOS or support page.

This is how much space you are allowed to use for your personal homepage. 1 MB = 1000 kb. If a provider claims to offer "unlimited" space, be careful. The server will be extremely slow if it isn't already! Unlimited hosts are specified in the search results as offering 999 MB. Most likely most of the unlimited hosts would not allow 999 MB... On the other hand there might be one or two of those that allow more than 999 MB. Some providers might be able to offer you more space if your site is popular and you really need the extra space.

You can upload files to the server via a FTP-client (for example WSFTP for Windows or Fetch for Mac) or you could upload files directly via your webbrowser. I prefer to upload via FTP-client since you will be able to upload all your files intstantly. With most browser uploads you need to specify the name for each file you upload and can only upload 1-10 files at a time. Some providers can only receive your files if you email the files to them. It's very time consuming to upload files manually via email. This means that the providers only let you update your homepage via email one or two times per month... A few services offer to accept your files via Mirabilis pager ICQ, but this solution has the same problems as email upload.

Some providers offer online html editors, so that you can create your page even if you don't know any html. Adv (advanced) editor means that you can see the html-code and will be able to change it online in your browser. Basic means that the editor will generate a page for you through a form and you can't see the html. The basic editor is good for people who don't know html.

To make some money out of their free webspace offers most providers put adbanners on your page. Some are automatically put on your page, others just require you to add their logo or link to your page. Topbanner means that they will put their adbanner automatically at the top of your page(s). Footbanner means that they will put it at the bottom of your page(s).

Some of the major free webspace providers have started to add pop-up ads to users homepages. Pop-up ads are very irretating. You should try to avoid pop-up ads on your page, since it will distract your visitors. It is also very likely that most of "your" visitors will only see the pop-up ad and click on it. In other words, they will miss your site. Some providers will let you deside if you want a pop-up ad or an adbanner (for instance Geocities and Hypermart).

Watermark is a new form of logo ad displayed usually at the corner of the screen. Geocities was the first to use this form of ad. It's not visible in older browsers (version 3.x and older).

Many web creators would like to use their own CGI-scripts. At this time there are only a few free webspace providers offering full cgi. Some offer counters, forms, guestbooks and webboards. You can search for such pre installed scripts from the
Power Search page.

This is the address your site will get. /you means that you will get the webaddress (URL) dir means that they offer different subdirectory names you can choose, for instance 'sport' or 'music'. Domain means you can only get a free website with them if you own a domain name. Subdomain is an address like this one:

These are mainly user written reviews. I have written some 20 reviews too, but due to limited time, I've not been able to review all free hosts and I've not been able to update those review I've allready written. Instead I suggest that visitors submit their reviews at the
review area. You need to create a review account to submit your review. Within a week reviews written by you can be read by others visiting this site.

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