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HELP!! Getting pot out of ur system....

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You smoke it. You deal with it. However, if you are going to give it up then help is better than going in jail and wasting police men/womens time.....

If your going to continue smoking it... you don't deserve to pass your test...

Things are illegal for reasons... as webdude said... whats stopping you from taking cocain? You get addicted or need more powerful drugs.. that what you'll need...

Grow up, hope you pass your test if you never take it again :)
That's why I love living in Van - this sort of thing is completely unheard of! Name 100 kids out of 5000 who WON'T show up traces up mj in their system?
My, it still baffles me why some threads are closed and others are allowed to drag on and on. Were that not enough, moderator participation in these threads is sickening.

Netnexus, you sound exactly like every other drug user I've ever had the displeasure of hearing when their habit comes into question.

First off, though you claim repeatedly that marijuana is not addictive, the statement is simply wrong. Anything can become an uncontrollable habit, it needn't be a physical addiction. Look around a casino floor someday, you'll find many addicts. Is there something in the twirl of a slot machine that physically bonds them to their player? Marijuana can be no less mentally addictive. It's still debated whether marijuana is physically additive. Some way it is, other say it isn't. What is known is that after quitting heavy or long-term cannabis use, withdrawal symptoms often show up. This is probably the largest argument that it is a physical addiction.

When first you asked if drinking large amounts of vinegar to hide your drug use was dangerous, I laughed out loud. The sheer ignorance of that question nearly knocked me out of my chair. I grew quiet when I realized you had seriously asked it. You pause before drinking vinegar after inhaling the smoke and fumes given off by burning leaves. Your concern lies in the wrong field, my friend. Despite what has been said here on more than one occasion, marijuana is not less dangerous than tobacco. Quite the contrary, compared to tobacco, marijuana smoke contains 300% more tar and 500% more carbon monoxide. On average, marijuana smoke is about 50% more carcinogenic than the same amount of tobacco smoke. Marijuana is very much a leading cause in bronchitis, emphysema, and cancers of the respiratory system. Use of marijuana has been linked to suppressed ovulation in women. Children born of a mother abusing marijuana develop complications much like those of fetal alcohol syndrome. Heavy or long-term use of marijuana in men can lead to sterilization. Marijuana is indeed a gateway drug, as has already been said, but is far from being a safe drug in its own right.

Dodging detection should not be your aim. You either need to confront your problem and put an end to it yourself or you deserve to be caught. It was no ones choice but your own that you were put in this situation. Take responsibility.
Originally posted by Avenger
I believe using biochemicals that alter your physical or psycological being is wrong, same for drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or doping. Addictive or not, they're all unnatural.

If its so wrong, then why are humans build with Cannabinoid Receptors in the brain especially built to interact with the active ingredient in Cannabis? If its wrong for you, that's fine, that doesn't mean its wrong for everyone else.
Originally posted by Haze
If its so wrong, then why are humans build with Cannabinoid Receptors in the brain especially built to interact with the active ingredient in Cannabis?
Why do humans have special receptors that make them get high off cocaine? We must be built for it! Cocaine is good for you! Legalize cocaine! Steriods are too! They make you strong and stuff, it's gotta be good!
Originally posted by MN-Carl
You smoke it. You deal with it. However, if you are going to give it up then help is better than going in jail and wasting police men/womens time.....

If your going to continue smoking it... you don't deserve to pass your test...

Things are illegal for reasons... as webdude said... whats stopping you from taking cocain? You get addicted or need more powerful drugs.. that what you'll need...

Grow up, hope you pass your test if you never take it again :)
I fully agree with you.

You don't deserve to pass the test if you are not regretful of what you have just done.

What more, it's something illegal.

So stop taking illegal drugs.
Passing a test generally means that you're clean, in this case I wish you the best, pass it and never return to smoking it!
Originally posted by Dusty

On this last post is a link to the weed debate. In the very last paragraph is

While alcohol and cigarettes may be more dangerous....

Cigs may have less tar (and possibly thc), they have a great deal of other harmfull chemicals that weed doesnt. I dont really know which one is the bigger danger, and there's a huge debate going on about that. I do believe however that cigs are more harmful. I just know experience. Most of my family smokes (not me). Most are gagging or have associated health probs. Some of them smoke weed (again, not me). It's interesting how the weed reprieves their other symptoms.

On one side, I am totally against weed. On the other side, I'm not provided it's controlled. Just like cigs, it should be illegal unless your over 18. Just like alchohol, there needs to be a measurement system. If you are over that when driving or whatever, you get arrested. It's medical qualities are great, but unlike cigs, it also has some immediate side effects such as the "high". Seriously...if you sit in a room with a bunch of people smoking weed, one picks his nose and puts it's slime all over the couch and everyone rolls laughing about it, while being sober you would think it's disgusting.....that is impairment of judgement because of the "high". That impairment can become more dangerous than alchohol. With beer, you get to the point of doing something too stupid (other than driving) and you are most likely close to passing out, or cant evern walk enough to do that stupid thing. With weed, you dont lose your balance of functions of limbs...only your clear judgement. With weed, if you lose your clear judgement and feel like doing something stupid....you can go right out and do it.....like jump in your car and play chicken on the highway.

I might also add to the cig -vs- weed debate that the only reason weed put higher tar (and other) levels into your body than cigs do is because cigs have filters on them.....a joint doesnt. Try smoking one of those filterless Camels. I know a lot of hard core smokers that wont touch them. It's that filter that makes them bearable.

By the way, it's thanks to my older step sister that I would never smoke. My first time ever trying a cigarette and she plays a good one on me (I was in 5th, she was 18). I asked here if I could try one and how to do it. She says to take as big of a puff as I can....and swallow it. I havent touched another since. For those of you who dont get it, the first time you ever try it you cough and gag because your body isnt used to it. At least in your lungs, you can simply blow it out and get away from it....but when you swallow it, it slowly seeps back up. You gag and choke for a lot longer time.. My wife and her mother and father smoke...but our kids can now no longer stand cigs either :D (I passed on the lesson)
OK, I'm noticing a trend here where people belive you go to jail for having pot in your system. This doesn't happen outside North America does it, cause that seems like a waste to me.
Originally posted by syd
That's why I love living in Van - this sort of thing is completely unheard of! Name 100 kids out of 5000 who WON'T show up traces up mj in their system?

Well... we only have 600+ pupils in my current school... and I bet only one or two if that take drugs... of any kind (excluding cigrettes and booze) :cool:

However, I'm probably going to be moving schools soon... I would finish school in a few months, however... i'm getting transfered to a US boarding school because I need more disaplin :eek: (a long with more things obviously and also the fact of being educated in the school we're looking at does very well to be on your resume. also its a very good school) .... and... i'm actually looking forward to it.. if I actually go that is.. they do 50% work and 50% army/physical training.. they also do extra tutoring .. which is cool :)
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Originally posted by Dusty
My, it still baffles me why some threads are closed and others are allowed to drag on and on. Were that not enough, moderator participation in these threads is sickening.

Netnexus, you sound exactly like every other drug user I've ever had the displeasure of hearing when their habit comes into question.

First off, though you claim repeatedly that marijuana is not addictive, the statement is simply wrong. Anything can become an uncontrollable habit, it needn't be a physical addiction. Look around a casino floor someday, you'll find many addicts. Is there something in the twirl of a slot machine that physically bonds them to their player? Marijuana can be no less mentally addictive. It's still debated whether marijuana is physically additive. Some way it is, other say it isn't. What is known is that after quitting heavy or long-term cannabis use, withdrawal symptoms often show up. This is probably the largest argument that it is a physical addiction.

When first you asked if drinking large amounts of vinegar to hide your drug use was dangerous, I laughed out loud. The sheer ignorance of that question nearly knocked me out of my chair. I grew quiet when I realized you had seriously asked it. You pause before drinking vinegar after inhaling the smoke and fumes given off by burning leaves. Your concern lies in the wrong field, my friend. Despite what has been said here on more than one occasion, marijuana is not less dangerous than tobacco. Quite the contrary, compared to tobacco, marijuana smoke contains 300% more tar and 500% more carbon monoxide. On average, marijuana smoke is about 50% more carcinogenic than the same amount of tobacco smoke. Marijuana is very much a leading cause in bronchitis, emphysema, and cancers of the respiratory system. Use of marijuana has been linked to suppressed ovulation in women. Children born of a mother abusing marijuana develop complications much like those of fetal alcohol syndrome. Heavy or long-term use of marijuana in men can lead to sterilization. Marijuana is indeed a gateway drug, as has already been said, but is far from being a safe drug in its own right.

Dodging detection should not be your aim. You either need to confront your problem and put an end to it yourself or you deserve to be caught. It was no ones choice but your own that you were put in this situation. Take responsibility.

you know..you're rigt...but if i dodge this detection i am cutting down but not stopping.. maybe only once a month..
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Originally posted by netnexus

you know..you're rigt...but if i dodge this detection i am cutting down but not stopping.. maybe only once a month..
Whether it may be once a month, once a year, once a decade or whatever, you must stop your bad habit. It's bad for health and you deserve to get caught if you don't stop.
don't you just hate it that every year, thousands of stoners walk out of a bar, get into a car, and kill an innocent person?

zzzz... you know what should be banned?


because of it, thousands die a year in car accidents. families are torn apart by alcohol abuse. anyone who has an alcoholic family member knows what i'm talking about.

oh wait, it's free will. you should be allowed to drink if you are a responsible adult. so it's legal.

grow up people. leave the stoners alone to stare off into harmless space and go after the BIGGEST addiction epidemic in the world.
Originally posted by Ben
Wait about six months.

Last year, our Health textbooks stated that marijuana can stay in your system for as long as six months, and the smell on your clothes even longer, even if you wash them every day.

Hello?? HIS TEST IS IN 2 WEEKS, <<personal attack removed>>....
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Originally posted by Dusty
Is there something in the twirl of a slot machine that physically bonds them to their player?

nope, but casinos put more oxygen through their ventallation system so more people come - i know its sad that i watch documentaries :eek:
Originally posted by trenzterra
It's bad for health

so what? breathing the air on this earth is too. you only live once, may aswell enjoy it. it is also not bad to smoke pot, ppl take it the wrong way once they see pathetic addicts on the street. its ok to smoke it
Heh...be glad I'm not the dictator of a country. If I was, I would ban everything: all drugs (except those for medical use), all alcohol, all smoking, etc. Hell, I might even ban heterosexuality! :D

OK, so maybe I was joking on that last point, but everything else I would do! ;)
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