ha ha, pwn on Craig.
MSN said:*one MCT Admin (co) says (18:41):
guns arent legal in the UK?
that blows
There's no orange tip. Bad, Colin :shame:
I did the same thing with my airsoft shotgun. And my buddy with his airsoft Steyr AUG. And his AK-47. And his Glock (I forgot which model).
I'm surprised you got that, you crazy ----ing Uzbek ...
Orange tips aren't required by law on airsoft guns. They are on toy guns, not airsoft ones though :S
So in other words, I just admitted to something pretty illegal in the States.
And those damn hooligans. Betamax?! C'mon ...
My brother when he was younger was showing off his airsoft a bit too much when some mum got scared and called the cops. They came to our door and gave him a talking to.
You don't know HOW HARD it was not to Bel Air you there.