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Yea! I tried both Publisher and Advertiser. To add to my already growing anger about the service, their canned responses to me kept telling me to make sure I was logging under the appropriate category.
I even asked them to reset the password, they refused.
I was a displayer of ads for bidvertiser when I ran a free hosting company. I had 50 customers displaying ads, and after 2 weeks and 300GB traffic, I had $0 bidvertiser credit and 0 clicks. I find this very hard to believe don't you?
i have receive payment from bidvertiser 2 time once 13$ and then 43$. but i want to say that bidvertiser is froud becouse when you get 10 click from visitor it will show only 2 click but it will pay you
adengage sucks too. i havent even made $10 with them over the past like 6 months. i had adsense not even one full week, and already made $30. that is low for a lot of people, but, just started the site. i would just go with adsense if i was you.
I don't know what're the stats now, but about 2 years ago, I did tried them on my forums. earned about $1 a day or so, compared with Google Adsense, its more than 10x of what bidvertiser pays.
Along with this, I left bidvertiser with $35 credit, and was never paid. Still waiting, if they do remember me.
I would say that Google Adsense is way better than bidvertiser. Bidvertiser doesn't even come close to it. But then that's just me and others have different opinions.
Oh , i hope its not a scam , i really dont want to be terminated as i reach the payout amount. When i was with google they terminated my account at 100 pounds as i was to recieve a cheque. I really dont want it to happen again!!
In my opinion, Bidvertiser is not fraud. However, they have a weird and strict way of counting clicks and traffic. I have never been successful with them. Many pro bloggers recommends them but I am not quite one of them. My comparison between the Adsense and Bidvertiser brought me to the conclusion that Bidvertiser is practicing a very strict policy of click and traffic recognition. Their support replies always look a bit canned to me and don't quite get anything solved for me. If you are with Adsense, stick with Google. Bidvertiser is not the best choice for most.
I've used adsense, bidvertiser and adbrite. While adsense and adbrite are still going strong, bidvertiser copped out a year ago.
No response to my emails, nothing. Now you tell me if adsense (they're bloody strict!!) doesnt bleat about my advertising methods, why should bidvertiser? (not a question)
Not sure if they're fraud or not, but I was terminated for no good reason.
i had earned a very small amount only ( 13 dollars) from bidvertiser in one whole year. Inspite of that, Bidvertiser didnt pay me. When the payment became due, my account was terminated with the following message:
" Dear ,
We are sorry to inform you that our editorial team has found that your site is not qualified to be part of our network.
Reason for termination:
Please understand that we can not accept every site as we are obligated for a certain level of quality in order to provide the best service and traffic to our advertisers.
We would kindly ask you to remove any BidVertiser HTML code from your website ASAP. "
In that case, why the hell did they accept my registration in the first place? Please forward this message to everybody bcoz its true. Dont be cheated by bidveriser. They will take your website for a ride and use you and pay nothing.
The reputation of bidvertiser is not at all good.
They maximum do frauds and pay very few and so very less inorder to show that they are legit.
Do spread the news "Bidvertiser is 100% fraud"