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Update on Datablocks.net

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Hey all!!

Thanks for all the info! it is welcomed!!

There is still alot of work to be done on Datablocks, I will be asking for Beta Testers in a few weeks..

I have been waiting on some of the servers to arrive, the 5 remaing servers arrive tomrrow.

that will give us a total of 11 servers plus 5 more to be added once the service is up and running (I have to migrate the sites on them to the new cluster)

so that will finally put us upto a total of 16 load balanced servers..

2 of which will be MS Windows servers for the execution of ASP. I decided that will be better than using somthing like chilisoft..

Since the new system runs on a load balanced cluster, our reliability will be above par!

The datablocks service would still be operational if 10 of the 16 servers died, and partially operational on just 4 servers!

If one server dies, the rest of the cluster automatically takes over for it, witout loosing any files.. all files are stored on a central raid system.. with a fully redundant backup to take its place!

There is also a bandwitdh management server that insures that each site gets maximum bandwidth. It disalows bandwith hogs like the occsional warez site that was not deleted from eating up and slowing down the bandwidth for the rest of the sites!

Its an amazing system, and its a real blast setting it up! :)

For our dedicated servers, we will probly be using cobalt raqs or our own custom servers.. depending on how knowledgeable the end user is..

At the end of aug, we should be opening the doors and accepting signups.. I will make a post here when that happens..

Please dont ask me to be a beta tester yet.. I will be asking for volunteers in a few weeks.. :) the system is not quite ready for public beta testing just yet.. :)

Thanks for your continued support!

Take care


Netcabins will be up and running the same day as Datablocks..


Just to say that I used Datablocks before they went down, they were an excellent service, and it looks like you're planning to make it even better!

Another request: if you're looking for a beta tester, either PM me or email me on phatz_holler@yahoo.co.uk if you still need beta testers.

And if you need any help with 'security' issues, I know a bit and I can try and be of help if you need it!

Will Netcabins and Datablocks reside on the same server groups? Meaning, the service is the same, but the name is not?
Hi, john.
I was running kesus.datablocks.net
I was just wondering ..whether you have the files on that account with you.. and I really appreciate if you let me get them back plz.. :(

BTW, I have no grudge against with you (well not any more :p). I realised that I should be grateful for the FREE service you provided us for a long long time. :)

I wish the very best for your future plans.

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so datablocks will be up in the end of aug.??? are u guys prepared for the mass amount of applicants you will probably get?? Just wondering...will u guys be able to handle mass requests for space? or will u crash like mektek???
Hope u guys are prepared
This soooooooo cool guys. Imagine if these guys are actually able to get us all these services it'll be awesome. I Mean we won't have to look for any other service as far as I know. :p

Cheers For Datablocks and Netcabins! :D
Dedicated servers will be availble for free.. under the new concept.. they will be very easy to get..

OR can be leased per month for cheap.. (not sure yet, working on some prices)

Dont worry about us running out of space.. hehe we have 1.2 Terabytes of space on raid5.. all drives are Ultra 160 scsi's

more than 25% of our harddrives could fail with no effect on service and no loss of information... :)

I will have some pictures of the server cluster soon.. once they are all in place (sunday)

off the bat, we will be able to host over 1 million accounts with no probs..

The old datablocks had over 200,000 members on just one server.. hehe and it was pretty reliable considering..

Any files from the old datablocks are no longer available.. the cheap quantium scsi drives I was using at the time died and I could'nt rebuild the raid.. Sorry guys..

Our new drives are all seagates... 10K rpm, ultra 160 scsi's

I installed our Cisco 3524 switch today, along with a few of the servers..

Its going to be fun!!

Take care!

good luck

Good Luck to Datablocks, Netcabins, and to all webmasters out there!!! Hope you all succeed!!!

:) :) :)
What will the bandwidth limitations be on the shared accounts? how about the dedicated ones?

This is shaping up to be quite a service.
Bandwidth limits for both will start at 1 GIG limits per month..

easily upgradeable in 1 gig increments under the new concept..

its a soft limit not a hard one.. you can go over it to a certain degree before your site is temp. put offline.. but you are givin Alot of notice... :)

Take Care

its still in beta bud... but you will be able to get more very easily..

for the dedicated servers we will most likely do more..

not 100% sure about that part yet.. :)

Hi Datablocks,

You always learn from your first experiences. It is great what you are offering for the people that cannot afford a paid host. Good luck the second time round, I hope you succeed in your venture!

are you sure we won't be hearing one of those, "sorry but we were cleaning out the files and accidently deleted the whole hard-drive thing"?
Heh.. we won't be wiping the hard drives. We have a great backup system too.

For updates, just keep your eyes on the message board. FreeWebspace.net will be the first to know when we re-open!
Good luck!

Wow, you service sounds great. I can't wait for the end of August for you service to start (it's also my birthday then :D). Best of luck!

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